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AFI Groups Centrifuges
AFI centrifuges of French design and manufacture, based in Château-Gontier in FRANCE, have been designed to meet the needs and the requirements of clinical analysis and biomedical research laboratories.
Offering a variety of different rotors and accessories, the user will have all solutions for the separation and preparation of samples available, whether from blood sampling in basic biological research, medical, pharmaceutical or cell culture.
Available in ventilated, refrigerated version, the AFI centrifuges are designed to be used with all tubes, flasks and bottles available on the market, as well as for preparations of samples on microplates.The AFI centrifuges range covers the different Clinical, Industry & Research market.

LIA : Mini, Micro, Labo a complete range
LIA Mini

Mini, Compact, Powerful
Workstation Centrifuge
LIA Micro

Small, Powerful and Flexible
Benchtop Centrifuge
LIA Labo

Small Clinical Centrifuge
with Angular Rotor

ISA -Ventilated Centrifuge 0,6L – Compact Line
ISA Ventilated

Compact Ventilated Centrifuge for Clinical and Research Laboratories

LISA - MultiLab Centrifuge 1 L to 2.5 L - Routine Line

Versatile MultiLab Ventilated Centrifuge with 'Click-Spin' Rotors
LISA Refridgerated

Versatile MultiLab Refridgerated
Centrifuge with 'Click-Spin' Rotors

SIRENA - MultiLab centrifuge 0,6L - Performance Line

Performance MultiLab Refridgerated Centrifuge with 13 compatible 'Click-Spin' Rotors

LOREENA - MultiLab centrifuge 3 to 4 Liters. Routine Line
LOREENA - Benchtop

Large Capacity MultiLab Benchtop Centrifuge with 'Click-Spin' Rotors. Ventilated or Refridgerated
LOREENA - Floorstanding

Large Capacity MultiLab Floorstanding Refridgerated
Centrifuge with 'Click-Spin' Rotors.

KATRINA - Large capacity centrifuge- 6 to 8 L

New Generation Large Capacity Floorstanding Refridgerated Centrifuge
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