DISTEK Dissolution and Pharmaceutical Test Instruments
DISTEK > Dissolution > Intrinsic Dissolution
Distek Intrinsic Dissolution Kits
and Accessories
The evaluation of pure powders using Standard Apparatus 1 and 2 dissolution componentry is fraught with difficulty for a multitude of reasons, from sample introduction to highly variable profiling. Intrinsic Dissolution provides an effective, easy to use analytical solution to monitor the dissolution profiles of pure powders, both API and excipient. By capitalising on the Apparatus-Over-Disk methodology utilised by Distek's Intrinsic solution, the dissolution chemist can obtain valid, reliable and reproducible data on the behaviour their pure powders. Distek's Intrinsic Kits are simple to use, easy to install and offer unrivalled flexibility in their application, overcoming all of the difficulties associated with the dissolution testing pure powder dissolution
The Distek Intrinsic Dissolution range is able to provide the laboratory with everything required to start performing Intrinsic Dissolution testing. A wide range of Kits, tools, dies, punches, seals and presses are available from a single manufacturer, Distek.​
Distek's Intrinsic Dissolution Kit is available for use with these Distek dissolution instruments: Model 2100 Series, Model 2500, Model 2500 RTD, Evolution 6100, Evolution 6300 and Symphony 7100. The Intrinsic kits will also work in many non-Distek dissolution testers.
When using a standard Apparatus 1 or 2 Dissolution system from Distek with detachable stirring elements the intrinsic dissolution kit can be easily installed and configured without the requirement of specialist tools or a service engineer.
The Intrinsic Dissolution Kit is available in 100 mL, 200 mL and 1000mL volumes offering flexibility to improve analytical results. Its' ability to run different intrinsic dissolution volumes using paddles and baskets, combined with easy sampling access and open vessel plate provides unmatched versatility for the laboratory.
Ordering Information, Accessories and Parts

Part Number | Description |
ORL-2800-0168 | Intrinsic Dissolution Apparatus, Paddle Over Stationary Disk. Includes 1 each flat bottom 1L vessel, hardened steel punch, die, gasket, seal cap with magnet, wrench, surface plate, and extraction / introduction tool.
ORL-2800-0168-2 | Intrinsic Dissolution Apparatus, Paddle Over Stationary Disk. Includes 2 each flat bottom 1L vessel, hardened steel punch, die, gasket, seal cap with magnet and 1 each wrench, surface plate, and extraction / introduction tool. |
ORL-2800-0168-6 | Intrinsic Dissolution Apparatus, Paddle Over Stationary Disk. Includes 6 each flat bottom 1L vessel, hardened steel punch, die, gasket, seal cap with magnet and 1 each wrench, surface plate, and introduction / extraction tool. |
ORL-2800-0183 | Small Volume Mini Intrinsic Dissolution Apparatus, Paddle Over Stationary Disk. Includes 1 each flat bottom 100 mL vessel, 2 mm hardened steel punch, 2 mm stainless steel die, gasket, cap, wrench, surface plate, and extraction / introduction tool. |
ORL-2800-0183-6 | Small Volume Mini Intrinsic Dissolution Apparatus, Paddle Over Stationary Disk. Includes 6 each flat bottom 100 mL vessel, 2 mm hardened steel punch, 2 mm stainless steel die, gasket, cap and 1 each wrench, surface plate, and extraction / introduction tool. |
ORL-2800-0182 | Small Volume Mini Intrinsic Dissolution Apparatus, Paddle Over Stationary Disk. Includes 1 each flat bottom 200 mL vessel, 2 mm hardened steel punch, 2 mm stainless steel die, gasket, cap, wrench, surface plate, and extraction / introduction tool. |
ORL-2800-0182-6 | Small Volume Mini Intrinsic Dissolution Apparatus, Paddle Over Stationary Disk. Includes 6 each flat bottom 200 mL vessel, 2 mm hardened steel punch, 2 mm stainless steel die, gasket, cap and 1 each wrench, surface plate, and extraction / introduction tool. |
ORL-3200-0171 | Intrinsic Dissolution Die Cavity, 1 mm, 316 SS. Also available in 2mm (ORL-3200-0126), 4mm (ORL-3200-0157) and 8mm (ORL-3200-0053). |
ORL-3200-0170 | Intrinsic Dissolution, Punch, Hardened Steel, 1 mm. Also available in 2mm (ORL-3200-0125), 4mm (ORL-3200-0156), 8mm (ORL-3200-0052) and 8mm Stainless Steel (ORL-3200-0052-SS) |
ORL-4960-0002 | E-Z Press. 1 Ton Hydraulic Lab E-Z Press for Intrinsic Dissolution Apparatus. Also available as a 2 Ton (ORL-4961-0003). |