Inhalation Sciences AB - Breathing New Life into Inhalation R&D
Inhalation Sciences develops and sells patented, highly innovative labtech equipment for inhalation research. Scientists using it can now know, with unprecedented accuracy, how particles behave in our lungs when we inhale them: whether new pollutants or life-saving drugs that power human development.
The company was founded in 2004 based on key innovations made by Dr. Per Gerde. The technology was validated by collaborations and contract research services until 2014 when the first instrument was delivered and installed. Inhalation Sciences was introduced on the Swedish stock exchange in 2017. Today, the company delivers its technology and services on a global market, having systems installed in Europe, USA and Asia.


Inhalation Research Services
IRS offers five preclinical research services, all delivering precise, predictive, preclinical data with a typical Standard Deviation of <10%. All five are carried out using ISAB’s PreciseInhale® aerosol generator, its extensive range of exposure modules and its signature Precision Dosing methodology.
IRS offers exceptionally flexible, customizable research with its extensive range of advanced exposure modules:
IRS’ 5 preclinical services can be mixed and matched
The same aerosol can be exposed through a wide choice of exposure modules
Aerosol dose and strength of air pressure can be precisely tailored to test substance
Inhalation Sciences developed its technology through over a decade of intensive contract research. Its multi-disciplinary team has worked on inhalation projects and substances ranging from novel inhaled pharmaceuticals to airborne nanopollutants.
Headed by Associate Professor Per Gerde, the IRS team is committed to achieving exceptional results for all its customers through its versatility, precision and outstanding professionalism.
Download the IRS Brochure here or contact us to discuss your requirements.